If you've seen what we do as a democratic company, you are aware that we all self-manage and choose ...
to share knowledge and grow all together, how we work and which technologies we develop, our investment projects, the areas for workshops and internal trainings, working conditions (hours, salaries, vacations), have fair labour relationships
... then you know that our goals are free software, the solidarity economy, the search for freedom, collective responsibility, the inclusion of genres and diversities.
We want more curious people (as an artists, programmers, educators, athletes and much more, we like nerds). People who want to change and no longer work in a relationship of dependence. As owners of the cooperative we want to choose, decide, discuss and build together.
Complete the form so that your application reaches us. If we see that we can advance to an incorporation, we'll write to you. If we see that right now we can not and we have to wait, we'll write to you too. And anyway we tell you that there are many tech cooperatives all over the world that always look for people for their teams. Also you can create your own coop. Visit FACTTIC (our federation) and contribute to add information about new cooperatives to this repo!
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Cambá website. Is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.